пятница, 21 октября 2016 г.

Hollywood news : Is it time to relax between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?

Brad Pitt have chosen not to engage in an acrimonious battle with his wife Angelina Jolie, who filed for divorce a month ago.
Brad Pitt wants to avoid worsening the situation. According to  TMZ , the American actor has chosen not replicate legally while his wife Angelina Jolie filed for divorce a month ago. This separation between the two superstars is one of the most sensational in the history of Hollywood.Jolie is also attached the services of  the formidable lawyer Laura Wasser. On the communication plan, the actress turned to  Judy Smith, a renowned expert in crisis communication . Faced with what promises to be an acrimonious battle waged with millions of dollars, Brad Pitt for the timing not to enter into direct confrontation. By not formalizing its principal claim -the joint custody of torque-the actor leaves a chance at a more peaceful negotiation. Angelina Jolie, she wants to get full custody of Maddox, Zahara, Shiloh, Pax, Knox and Vivienne.

Brad Maddox and his son met for the first time in over a month

According to TMZ, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie seem to agree on the need to avoid confrontation for the sake of their six children. According to the site, the investigation of child services in Los Angeles County on the incident that occurred in mid-September between Brad Pitt and son Maddox on a flight in a private jet may play a role crucial. While Brad Pitt was milled out of this procedure, it could strengthen its position, TMZ analysis. This perspective can therefore explain its reluctance to formalize too early legal response to the request of his wife.
The same source revealed that Brad Pitt Maddox reviewed for the first time since the altercation, which convinced Angelina Jolie to divorce. The father and son met Wednesday in the presence of a counselor, a day after questioning by the FBI with Angelina Jolie and their children to determine if the episode aboard the plane justified the opening of an investigation by the federal office, which is not at present envisaged. The federal agency was involved because the alleged facts occurred in flight, outside the jurisdiction of the classic police.

Amal and George Clooney met Thursday in Los Angeles on the set of "Suburbicon," the new movie that the actor co-directed.

Between takes, George Clooney has found time for his wife. Amal Clooney visited the actor on the set of his new film, "Suburbicon" he co-directed with Joel Coen -this will be the sixth film he realizes, after the recent "The Monuments Men" and "Marche power". He directs a prestigious cast, says "People", since account Matt Damon, Oscar Isaac, Julianne Moore and Josh Brolin. The film is due out in 2017, but no specific date has been set yet.

The couple, who celebrated last month two years of marriage, was photographed near the caravans of the film crew. Amal and George Clooney were in full walk with their dog Millie, they adopted last year at a California animal shelter.
Counsel for 38 years, whose style is observed with great attention by the fashion experts, wearing a mustard and white sweater, platform shoes and a brown bag with fringe, an outfit inspirations 1970s His jeans embroidered flowers, is a model of the Alice + Olivia brand, who praised the look of Amal Clooney on his Instagram account: "Amal Clooney could it even more chic in our embroidered jeans ??"

Far from playing the superficial dolls, Candice Swanepoel shares his very lifestyle nature on his Instagram account. Its shows for Victoria's Secret to her pregnancy through its road trip, it shows a solar and enthusiastic personality in a body of a goddess. 

A wavy golden hair, a narrow waist and a killer smile ...  Candice Swanepoel is one of the iconic Angel of the great Victoria's Secret lingerie house. Her doll face born on the land of South Africa. From fifteen, the girl rather discreet and always cheerful stands out as it is the market in Durban. A year later, his grace and his extraordinary plastic make it go around the world. She was 19 when it enters the closed circle of angels.

Nature Girl

Biotherm ambassador, model for Dolce & Gabbana, Chanel and Jean-Paul Gaultier, it is the ninth top highest paid in the world in 2013. And if his career has only grown is that Candice knows how care of it. Very athletic , she loves sweat and exceed its physical limits. Follower of a healthy lifestyle, she likes to live among nature whether in the mountains or at the beach. 

Still beautiful, Candice decided to take a break from her career to start a family. Couple for several years with model Hermann Nicoli, she gave birth to a baby boy named NAVA, October 5, 2016.

среда, 14 сентября 2016 г.

Poetry, Music and Whispers

In This Moment

This song is my first attempt at using a real cello during the recording process.  When I wrote this piece I found myself really enjoying the energy in it.  It still desperately needs a drum track, but thus far I am pleased. (Written in 2011)
We’ve got a long night ahead
Sure to be filled with wonder
I feel the music in my head
Just like the pound of thunder
I want to breathe you in like air
I want to hold you close now
Just let the music take me there
And everything else let go now
This is what I’ve been waiting for -
To be with you Love, in this moment
To be reaching out, with my heart held in my hands
There is a static in the room
A feeling that covers my skin
All of my past an empty tomb
You’ve brought me to life once again


This song came to me sometime in 2005.  Adult life was hitting me full force and I was having a hard time coping – new job, new house, new responsibilities, new life.  Despite all of the fear and apprehension, I realized somewhere in that whole mess that it wasn’t too hard and I could actually handle all the “newness”.  This song is my way of expressing that discovery.
Passing subways in my brain
Moving at lightning speed
I watch everything change right before me
All that I have hoped and I have dreamed
Is not more than a breath away
If I’ll let go and reach
Chorus 1:
But they say it’s way too far for me to fall now
They say it’s way too fast for me to slow it down
3AM and I’m awake
Watching the shadows and the figures
The moon makes on my walls
Until finally I drift back into sleep,
Back into battle with the fear
That’s fighting me inside
Chorus 2:
That says it’s way too far for me to fall now
It says it’s way too fast for me to slow it down
Chorus 3:
It’s never way to far for me to fall now
It’s never way to fast for me to slow it down

A Tear Of Us

 (Written In 1999)
A tear of us grew in my eye and rolled onto my cheek
A whispered sigh through lullaby and words I could not speak
It traveled like a shooting star on seas without a ship
Whose waters sing my sorrows and find death upon my lips
Tomorrow came and said goodbye, it found us far apart
But I still taste the saline and the stains this paint my heart
Wiped clean my eyes to see you off, I hope to find you well
And thank you for our moment, this tear of us that fell

All I Wanted

I believe that music is the only language by which one heart can speak to another without any miscommunication.  This song came to me in 2011.  It represents something that I feel inside – a piece of me that only I experience.  My hope is that through this song, you can now experience that part of me too.  From one heart to another, enjoy.
Another night spent awake
Starving for the chance to see you
In every word that we say
It’s such a delicate dance that we do
These photographs in my head
Are nothing but the proof – I need you
But all that I’m seeing is red
It’s such an intimate wound
That I’m still bleeding from….
I’m standing here
Heart broken in two
I’m waiting here
I’m wanting for you
To come take me home
You’re all I wanted
You’re all I need
I won’t stop this
I won’t let it be

  Poetry, Music and Whispers

Стихи на английском: Lights Out

Sometimes we go through difficult circumstances in life.  Not too long ago I was going through a really rough time and I felt as though God had left me and I was all alone.  I talked to God angrily for days, asking Him why I felt so alone and what I should do about it.  Then one morning I sat down at the piano and He answered me by giving me this song.  If you are feeling alone right now, God is saying these words to you as well (Written in 2005 - Drum Arrangment and Performance by Jesse Peltz.)

When you’re locked down,
When you spend your time alone,
There’s no way out,
At least none that you know,
When you’ve cut your teeth
On bitter tears that fall like winter snow,
Just call on me and you’ll never be alone.
When you’re burnt out,
When there’s nothing left to say,
In the fallout
Of a past that’s shaded gray,
When you hurt so bad
You wonder if you’ll take another day,
Remember that I’m just a breath away.
When you fall in two again,
When you fall in two,
Then please don’t turn the light out,
Please don’t walk away,
Please don’t take the dark road out,
Fall on me, I am the better way,
And the true sound
Is the poison in the rain,
And you cry out,
But it agitates the pain,
When you shut your eyes
And pray that all of your sanity remains,
Listen dear, I’ll try to make this plain,

вторник, 13 сентября 2016 г.

Забота о волосах. Перхоть. Бесплатно и без денег.

Перхоть является наиболее распространенной проблемой волос, особенно среди мужчин.  Многие люди считают, что это вызвано сухостью кожи, частого мытья головы или плохой гигиены. Эти популярные мифы могут привести к неэффективными, а часто - и ненадлежащего обращения и даже могут ухудшить ситуацию.

Перхоть оказывает негативное воздействие на самооценку, и людей, страдающих от этого состояния, как правило, более чувствительны о своей внешности, чем остальные.


Это обусловлено типом грибка - Pityrosporum ovale. При нормальном состоянии организма, это не вызывает никаких проблем. А деньги можно тоже заработать даже в Кореи и много денег. Это по английски будет money.

Однако, когда кожа pH баланса в волосистой части головы и окружающей среды является алкализованный, грибок начинает размножаться быстрее, за счет более частого изменения клеток кожи, это приводит к шелушению.

Причиной ускоренного роста гриба не было найдено, но наиболее вероятные причины-увеличение жира секреции организма, гормональные дис-баланс, стресс, различные плохе состояния нервной системы, ослабленной иммунной системой. В редких случаях перхоти может быть проявлением аллергической реакции на некоторые из химических веществ, гели для волос, лак для волос, волосы масел и других продуктов волос.

Очень немногие люди знают, что существуют две формы - внешних и внутренних.

    Внешние причины появления перхоти вызывается чрезмерным использование  продукции для волос - спреи и гели, неправильное использование волосы-красящих продуктов, чрезмерное использование бигуди или выпрямления волос, холодной погоды, сухих, стресс, редкие мытья волос или недостаточная промывка головы.
    Внутренние причины перхоти может быть вызвано гормональным дисбалансом, эмоциональный стресс, плохое здоровье, плохие санитарно-гигиенические условия, аллергия на некоторые продукты питания, недостаток отдыха, чрезмерное потребление сахара, жира и крахмала и наследственная предрасположенность.

Хотя есть гораздо больше можно найти информации о перхоти, что является, безусловно что она является медицинская, а не косметическая проблема.


    белые, жирные чешуйки отмершей кожи
    зудом, шелушением кожи головы
    слишком сухой или слишком жирных волос
    жирной кожи, покрытой шелушащейся белой или желтой чешуей.


В большинстве случаев это не нужно проконсультироваться с наличием перхоти с врачом. Она является хроническим заболеванием, которое может почти всегда быть под контролем, хотя это требует терпения и настойчивости.

Всегда рекомендуется использовать специальные медицинские шампуни, которые могут быть найдены в вашей местной аптеке.

Существует несколько типов коммерческих доступных шампуней содержащие активные ингредиенты.

Money online

четверг, 1 сентября 2016 г.

Калорийность самых распространенных продуктов и их химический состав

Многие люди предпочитают низкокалорийные продукты питания и персональные диеты, таким образом, значительно не только снижается переизбыток веса, но и улучшается общее самочувствие. Каким же образом необходимо составлять меню своего ежедневного рациона?
Прежде всего, стоит обратить внимание на калорийность продуктов питания и их химический состав, ведь именно в них кроется ключ к красоте и долголетию. Общеизвестно, что химический состав показывает, насколько калориен тот или иной продукт, так например, в жирах больше всего заключено энергии – около 9 ккал на 1 грамм, а вот в углеводах и белках ее значительно меньше – около 4 ккал на 1 грамм.
В число высококалорийных продуктов питания попали практически все жиросодержащие, бобовые и кондитерские, среди них: масло, свинина жирная, сало, колбасы, орехи, шоколад, пирожные с кремом. Второе место по большой калорийности занимает мясо крупного скота, сардельки, сосиски, мясо птицы, сыры, жирные кисломолочные продукты, некоторая часть рыб (мойва осенняя, пеламида, сайра, севрюга), выпечка, сахар и мед. В число средне- и низкокалорийных вошли: нежирные кисломолочные продукты, яйца, фрукты, овощи, ягоды, грибы, морепродукты, рыба с низким содержанием жира.
Научно доказано, что продукты, в которых содержится большое количество воды, менее калорийны. Среди них лидирующее место занимают фрукты и овощи, причем, чем больше воды в продуктах, тем меньше их калорийность.
Продукты с низкой калорийностью содержат в себе клетчатку, которая приостанавливает быстрый темп усвоения углеводов и требуется для строительства большей части клеток в организме. Именно поэтому людям, выбирающим низкокалорийную диету, обычно советуют добавлять в свой рацион салаты из овощей. Однако не стоит слишком увлекаться фруктовыми или овощными соками, ошибочно думая, что они столь же полезны, как и сам плод. Исследователями доказано, что в соках содержится много хорошо усвояемых простых углеводов, которые влияют на быстрое накопление массы тела.
Калорийность любых продуктов для составления индивидуального меню, можно рассчитать самостоятельно при помощи специальных таблиц и справочников, на сегодняшний день их несколько десятков, однако не стоит забывать и об индивидуальных особенностях организма, а также противопоказаниях. Правда не всем таблицам и методическим рекомендациям стоит полностью доверять, ведь если обратить внимание на данные и цифры, приведенные во многих источниках, они иной раз существенно отличаются, а в некоторых случаях и вовсе отсутствуют сведения о калорийности и химическом составе некоторых новых продуктах. Российскими диетологами в работе чаще всего используется таблица калорийности, составленная под редакцией профессора И.М. Скурихина, хотя, даже в ней включены далеко не все данные о калорийности продуктов. В любом случае, при составлении индивидуального рациона питания, необходимо учитывать результат подсчета калорий с возможной ошибкой в 20%.

вторник, 16 августа 2016 г.

How to Prepare Yourself for the Hollywood New Year


Around this time of the year, I’ll take a look at my ongoing projects and habits in order for a major evaluation/cleanup. I’m a superstitious man and I don’t like to bring bad luck or poor management into the new year.
The 1st of January is an auspicious day for new beginnings and the last few days in December can be put to good use if you want to get off to a terrific start next year.
If you’re not holidaying, you might want to look over your habits for the past year and adjust accordingly to meet your 2008 goals.
Apart from taking a mini break this holiday season, I’m also doing some final prep work for 2008. I thought I’ll share what I’m doing in the last days of 2007. Feel free to apply any of the following points if you find them helpful in any way:
  1. Asset Assessment. How did all my websites perform in 2007? I’ll take a look at how much money each of them made and compare them with the amount of time I spend on each (yes, no).
    Because I’m going to build more websites in 2008, I need to cut off the ones that I’ve lost interest in or have no time to grow. Do the same by looking at your web properties and ventures. Knowing when to quit is smart thinking.

  2. Time Assessment. How much time am I spending on each task? I’ve spent huge chunks of time on social media websites and that’s something I’m reducing next year. Social media sites like Digg don’t care about their users. If I take the time I’ve spent on them and convert it to time on my own sites, I can easily make thousands of dollars more each month.
    And I’m not joking. Having influencers in your pocket gives the freedom to stop beingsomeone else’s user-generated content. Examine how you’ve been spending your time online and adjust according to your goals.

  3. Workplace Revamp. I work from home and my income is entirely web-driven so it makes sense to make my room as conducive as possible for online work. I’m working on a laptop at the moment but I’m thinking of getting a proper desktop with a couple of monitors. I may get a new chair, mouse and a new hifi system (can’t work without listening to some tunes).
    I’m rearranging my room as well to stay fresh and creative. I first came across this interesting tip from a Real Estate Agent who did this every month. Revamp your workplace and make it a catalyst for productivity.

  4. Feed Reader Cleanup. Feed reading takes up a chunk of my time because I need to stay current on what’s going on in several industries. It’s part of the job when you’re a content publisher. Too many feeds and you have a lot of clutter to sift through, too little and you miss breaking or dominating a news topic. The trick is to be brutal and methodical.
    Remove what doesn’t benefit you, put ‘entertainment‘ feeds in another reader and rely on sites which aggregate and spit out content rapidly. News sites like Techcrunch and niche social news sites like Sphinn are terrific for this purpose. Look through your feed reader and make sure you are only subscribed to the sites that matter or the sites that help you. Organize your feeds.

  5. Computer Cleanup. My computer is full of stuff that I’ve downloaded while surfing the net. I’ll do a major cleanup to free up some space on it while categorizing everything properly. Uninstall applications I don’t need, defrag the hard disk and clean it of all the useless junk that’s around.
    Organizing my document and image folders will take the most of my time. I should do this monthly but I’m lazy so a year end clean up will reduce clutter and make everything more organized for 2008. Optimize your computer, make it run faster and prep it for online work next year.

  6. Future Work Scheduling. If you don’t have an editorial calendar, you probably should set one up for your site because it’ll help you to Hollywood blog more consistently and stay active in 2008. I’m currently planning some of the things I want to do for my sites and I have a ton of interesting things lined up for Dosh Dosh, some of them you probably won’t even expect.
    Use a calender to plot your other work schedules. If you need a desktop calender, I recommend Rainlendar. Plan how what you are going to work on each month and schedule what needs to be done according to your resources.

  7. Finances Forecast. I’ll usually do a simple excel spreadsheet with all the expenses I know I will incur: this includes bills like internet services, monthly magazine or online subscriptions, rent etc.
    If I’m planning a trip during summer 2008 or want to purchase something big, I’ll need a rough idea of how much extra income I need to generate every month, in order to get enough money.
    This forecast allows me to match income sources with expenses and thus develop contingency plans. Record your future expenses and plot it against your revenue. Leave aside funds to expand your ongoing projects.

  8. Mending Relationships. This applies to both online and offline friends or acquaintances. I never start a new year with a grudge so I’ll contact people who I had arguments with and apologize if I think I offended the other person. This is to fix any misunderstandings or miscommunication and is especially important if you have a working relationship with the other party.
    Grudges and regrets are major obstacles to moving forward and I try my best to make sure I have none of both, though its always difficult to not have regrets. Make sure you’re moving into the new year with a clean conscience. The news gist of this point is simple: don’t carry any negative emotional baggage over to the New Year.

Think of yourself as a machine. You are a woman or man of enormous potential. Everything is possible in the new year if you have the heart for it. What you need to do is to grease the wheels, make sure you’re all well-oiled and ready to roll. Take care of the periphery details and you’ll find that you’ll reach your goals a lot faster.
So what are y’all doing in the last few days of 2007?

воскресенье, 7 августа 2016 г.

Чай пуэр купил и я на пробу.

В рамках государственной программы всеобщей принудительной содомизации населения до 2020 года у нас в гастрономах стали продавать китайский зеленый чай различных сортов. Экологичный, выращенный вручную мудрыми китайскими бабушками по тысячелетним рецептам, он даже самого отвратительного реднека превратит в утонченного ламберсексуала-с-анальной-пробкой. И заваривать его надо при темературе 83.5 градуса. Купил и я на пробу, чтобы быть в тренде. Упоительно, правый - со вкусом сена, а левый, о боже, - со вкусом сена! А цвет - чистые писюны, только мутноватые из-за белка. Теперь буду о них все время в приличной компании говорить.

 Когда я вижу 50-60 летние пуэры и слушаю "телеги", которые про них рассказывают продавцы, все время думаю о тех патриотах, которые закапывали их в самый разгар культурной революции. За забором коммунисты сносят до основания шаолинский монастырь, но хранители чайных традиций, в перерывах между охотой за воробьями и выплавкой чугуна у себя во дворе, ночами тайно закапывают промышленные партии пуэра в огороде ))))).

 А вкус сена - это от того, что воду перегрел на полградуса, и не пользовался традиционной ручной работы гайванью за €100500 по акции - ошибка новичка!


пятница, 29 июля 2016 г.

ROYAL WEDDING SPECIAL: Boys give marriage thumbs-up

Good on yer, papa
By Clive Goodman
IT WAS the sign of approval Charles had yearned for—a double thumbs-up from his rebel son Harry that said: Go for it, Dad.
And on a day of royal stiffness and formality, it was the clown prince and his brother William who brought smiles to Windsor's wedding faces.
Any thoughts that Diana's two boys were against their father's marriage to Camilla were swept aside by a wave of winks, nudges and larking about that showed their support for him loud and clear.
Laughing Harry, 20, hit his stride early, teasing Charles and his new stepmum as they left the Guildhall in Windsor following yesterday's civil service.
First he flicked a cheeky salute at the new Duke and Duchess of Cownwall as they got into their waiting limo. Then he gave that thumbs-up to Charles as they drove away.
Earlier the pair had fooled around, pretending to hold back while Charles and Camilla posed for pictures. But as they'd emerged from the Guildhall it was clear they were pleased with the way things had gone off, as our News of the World lipreader discovered.
"Well I'm happy with that," William told his new stepbrother Tom Parker Bowles. "Yup, me too," Tom replied after both had acted as witnesses at the wedding.
Later as the royal party walked from Windsor Castle to St George's Chapel for the blessing, the double act was at it again.
Harry burst out laughing when a gust of wind blew his brother's carefully combed hair out of place to reveal a huge bald spot.
William groaned: "The wind's blowing my hair all over the place." Harry replied: "Watch out, it could go waaarrggh!" roughing his own hair up like an afro.
Even inside the chapel the brothers kept up the banter while waiting for Charles and Camilla. William blew a kiss to one guest.
And when William looked across the aisle to see his new in-laws on the other side he asked Harry: "Where are all our family?"
Celebrity guests too got in on the act. When funnyman Rowan Atkinson pulled out his invite at church he joked: "Ah. Here's my lunch ticket." And when he spotted fellow comic Stephen Fry outside he pointed to a fleur de lys on his waistcoat and asked: "Is that your coat of arms?"
Stephen revealed he'd bought the couple special coffee beans that are eaten and regurgitated by weasels to improve the taste. "They're highly prized," he quipped.
Their jovial mood was matched by most of the crowd of 15,000 who had gathered in Windsor to catch a glimpse of Charles and Camilla on their big day.
But there were also boos at one point from placard-carrying pro-Diana protesters. And police had to hustle away gay rights activist Peter Tatchell and even catch a streaker.
Some staunch royal fans had waited for hours to see the couple—like Mike and Julia Coxon of Sunningdale, Berkshire.
Julie said: "Charles and Camilla looked very comfortable and Camilla was beaming from ear to ear. She looked like the happiest woman in the world."
Lisa Foster, 31, had queued in front of the Guildhall for 10 hours. She thought Camilla looked wonderful. "Her outfit was beautiful. I was so glad to see them linking arms as they left the Guildhall," she said. Mum Andrea Molyneux, 35, said: "Camilla looked elegant and Charles cut a dashing figure. They make a lovely couple." Barbara Murray, of Attleborough, Norfolk, had camped outside the Guildhall in two dome tents the night before along with five other members of her family. "We have come to give Charles our support as he doesn't seem to have much," said Barbara, 41.
But amid the celebrations there was ill feeling in the crowd with some booing because the couple didn't spend time to greet them on the way from the Guildhall to the castle.
Charles and Camilla chose to be driven past the crowds lining the streets. But the royal waves were not enough for some.
Ten-year-old Alessandra Cerri from nearby Bracknell said: "We waited for four hours to see Charles and Camilla and they drove past so quick." And John Saunders, of Cheltenham, said: "With so many people being against this match it would have been an ideal opportunity for the couple to see the people who are happy for them."
Former royal press spokesman Dicky Arbiter said the royal couple should have walked around and chatted to the well-wishers before heading to St George's Chapel. "It wouldn't have killed them to have done it,"
Some spectators unveiled a banner clearly showing their disgust at the couple's wedding, branding it "illegal, immoral and shameful". Other protesters included gay rights activist Peter Tatchell who was carrying placards calling for the legalisation of gay marriage. He was escorted away by police.
And minutes after Charles and Camilla tied the knot at the Guildhall, a streaker ran towards the royal car out of sight of British TV cameras. The sandy-haired man was quickly surrounded by five policemen, handcuffed and led away grinning.
It's doubtful whether Charles or Camilla would have seen the funny side of such bare-faced cheek—but the clown princes would.
They had one last prank in store for Charles and Camilla before their honeymoon in Scotland.
As the couple walked out to their Bentley for the trip to RAF Northolt they discovered the princes and Tom had used shaving foam to write "Prince" and "Duchess" on the windscreen like a chav-style sun visor—with Just Married and balloons on the back.

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четверг, 28 июля 2016 г.

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