понедельник, 24 декабря 2018 г.

"She went into a mad rage": Laeticia Hallyday's reaction while listening to David Hallyday's interview on TF1

On Sunday, November 18, David Hallyday created a surprise by giving an event interview to Sept à Huit, one month after the one given by his mother-in-law to Anne-Claire Coudray. Here is now revealing Johnny's widow's reaction to her stepson's statements.
An interview she didn't expect. A few weeks after her interview with Anne-Claire Coudray at 8pm on TF1, Laeticia Hallyday was amazed to see her son-in-law interviewed for the magazine Sept à Huit. In it, David Hallyday evokes his father's death without ever mentioning the name of his mother-in-law, with whom he is in legal dispute over the question of inheritance.

In its November 30 issue, Voici reveals Laeticia Hallyday's reaction to David Hallyday's statements on TF1: "That night, she went into a rage. For her, all these statements were a tissue of lies" reveals a source close to the widow to our colleagues.
The legacy for David Hallyday

On November 18 in Seven to Eight, David Hallyday confided in his father's "musical heritage", without wanting to touch his financial heritage: "I simply ask for the moral right of the four of us, that it be shared between the four of us, that we may have the right to manage his image, to have in any case a right of control over his image, and personally over what bound me with him, namely music, with regard to his musical heritage, and nothing else".
Love for Laeticia Hallyday

A month earlier, interviewed by TF1's 20h, Laeticia Hallyday returned to her husband's latest posthumous album, evoking her flaws: "It's a magnificent declaration of love. It's overwhelming. It's the story of our whole life, forgiveness. Forgive. He learned to forgive. We learned to forgive together. Forgive your father. Forgive his mother. To advance, to build oneself, in forgiveness. Repair its flaws, its traumas which are the wounds of all its life. It took him years to heal. I accompanied him on this journey," she said.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

пятница, 16 ноября 2018 г.

Сайт который смотрит на сайт с разных браузеров

Проведём эксперимент с  http://browsershots.org/ в качестве донора была использована страница  с новостью https://celebritynewsphoto.wordpress.com/2018/11/16/news-pictures-battle-to-save-mufasa-from-hunters-rare-white-lion-is-at-risk-of-being-sold-off-and-shot/

Скриншот как видит сайт в файревоксе (вверху) и внизу как видит её браузер сафари.

 И ещё две разных Оперы.

До встречи на разных интересных сайтах с вами были "Стихи про Путина".

среда, 5 сентября 2018 г.

Ronnie Wood has it Hawaii with his Russian lover

GIVE 'im Shelter! Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood burns up in the sun beside smouldering lover Ekaterina Ivanova.

The wrinkly rocker just wanted to be a Brown Sugar daddy but he soaked up too much sun lazing on the beach with his sexy Russian girlfriend.
And while hot 20-year-old Kat sizzled in style in a tiny-weenie bikini, bright-pink Ronnie, 61, roasted away in the heat.
Click here to see more photos of Ronnie Wood and Ekaterina Ivanova on holiday
The odd couple were enjoying a romantic break in Hawaii - thousands of miles from London's gloomy skies where he wooed the former cocktail waitress last summer.
HOTTIE: Ekaterina


An onlooker said: "Ekaterina's swimwear turned as many heads as her curves did.
"It had strange circular patterns which looked like crop circles on her boobs."
Ron - who left his wife Jo, 53, for the toy girl - spent the week with Kat enjoying meals at famous eateries, like Mama's Fish House.
The source added: "They were giggling like college kids, gazing at the shore and then at each other.
"They really had the look of love."
So we can take it as RED that Kat's the one, Ron?

среда, 15 августа 2018 г.

Ronan truce edges nearer Yvonne lets him back in the house (but puts him in the spare bedroom)

DEVASTATED Yvonne Keating has softened her stance on love cheat husband Ronan - and boosted the Boyzone star's hopes of a reconciliation.

The heartbroken ex-model is close to agreeing a deal to move the family to Australia and  New Zealand for a while over summer so the singer can stay in close contact with his three children while he films the Oz X Factor.

WITH KIDS: Ronan on Wednesday
Yvonne has also allowed Ronan to stay in the £2.5million mansion they share in Dublin - but has banished him to a spare bedroom.
Bandmate and Corrie star Keith Duffy has spent the week acting as a go-between for the warring pair in a desperate bid to save their 12-year marriage.
Ronan, 33, has now promised he will NEVER stray again and admitted his relationship with dancer Francine Cornell was "the biggest mistake" of his life.
It's also believed to have damaged Boyzone's career. Their latest single - ironically titled Love Is A Hurricane - failed to enter the Top 40. It is expected to chart at No 85 tonight.
And sales of their album have slumped 23 per cent since Ronan's infidelities went public.
While Yvonne's fury is melting slightly, she is still a long way from taking Ronan back permanently.
STRAIN: Yvonne, Thursday
Last night our source in the Boyzone camp revealed: "Yvonne is still absolutely furious but all Ronan's friends are trying to make her realise there IS a way forward.
"Ronan has held his hands up, admitted he's acted appallingly but promised he'll change if Yvonne gives him just one more chance. There are positive signs for Ronan but Yvonne hasn't made a final decision yet.
"She also believes it would be nearly impossible for her to trust Ronan when he's on the road.
"But she feels the children have been through enough. Spending some time with their mum and dad on the other side of the world might do them all some good."
AFFAIR: Francine
Ronan was said to have "seriously considered" pulling out of being a judge/mentor on the Aussie TV show to try to rescue his marriage. But now he has told TV bosses he can honour the big bucks deal.
However, Yvonne, 36, has told friends she made the decision for the sake of her children, Jack 11, Marie, 9 and Ali, 4. A close pal told the News of the World: "This was not an easy decision for Yvonne to come to. The pressure of the split is taking its toll on her and she feels that it will be easier for the whole family if they leave Ireland. There are just too many painful memories for her in the family home." Yvonne kicked Ronan out of the family home on May 19 after finding out about his fling with dancer Francine Cornell, 26.
She has now allowed him to return to the family home until he flies out. They are occupying different wings of their Abbington pile in Dublin.
HOPE: Ronan yesterday
An estate agent is currently trying to find a temporary family home in Australia for the couple to share with the kids. A source said: "The same situation they have in Dublin will continue in Australia as Dublin. They will be sharing a house, but not together as husband and wife."
Yvonne looked under strain as she took a trip on Friday to her local supermarket in Swords.
She then picked up her daughter Marie from Back Street dance studios, where Ronan rehearsed with Boyzone.

But our insider said: "Yvonne has calmed down. She's listening to the people close to her and thinking she might still have something to fight for."

четверг, 10 мая 2018 г.

Можете ли вы сказать, болен ли человек, глядя на фотографию? Наука говорит, да


На одной из этих фотографий человек болен. Можете ли вы догадаться, что это?


Поп-викторина: на какой из приведенных выше фотографий изображен здоровый человек, и который изображает больного? Можете ли вы определить тонкие различия? (Правильный ответ указан в нижней части этой статьи.)
Ученые установили, что у людей замечательная способность обнаруживать, когда кто-то болен через два часа после заражения человека, и они могут это сделать, просто глядя на лицо человека, сообщает MedicalXpress .
Для исследования 16 здоровых кавказских добровольцев получили инъекцию стерильных молекул, полученных из бактерий. Хотя эти инъекции были стерильными, они тем не менее вызывали иммунный ответ, который заставлял испытуемых испытывать симптомы, подобные гриппу, на короткий промежуток времени. Их снимки были сделаны через два часа после выстрела, чтобы задокументировать их внешний вид.
Те же самые участники попросили вернуться в другой раз, чтобы получить еще один выстрел, но на этот раз их неосознанно вводили плацебо. Через два часа снова были сняты фотографии. Ещё можете посмотреть на 100 красивых фотографий девушек бесплатно у их со здоровьем всё хорошо.
Оба набора фотографий были показаны другим группам людей, которым было предложено оценить здоровье предметов, изображенных в них.
«Оценщики могут правильно различать 13 из 16 человек (81 процент) как больных», - говорится в исследовании, опубликованном в журнале « Труды Королевского общества B» .
Хотя размер выборки относительно невелик, это показатель обнаружения, который значительно выше шанса. Одно дело - выяснить, болен ли человек, когда мы можем наблюдать за их поведением, например, люди кашляют, чихают, всхлипывают и проявляют признаки усталости. Но другое дело - обнаруживать болезнь только на нейтральной фотографии.
Некоторые из признаков болезни, которые наблюдатели отмечали, включали более бледные губы и кожу, более опухшее лицо, свисающие углы рта и век, более красные глаза и более тусклую, пятнистую кожу.
Соавтор исследования Джон Аксельсон из Стокгольмского университета предложил объяснение замечательным выводам: «Способность обнаруживать больных людей позволит людям избегать близости к больным людям и, следовательно, минимизировать риск стать больным, если человек является носителем заразное заболевание."
Следующим шагом будет расширение исследования, чтобы выяснить, сохраняются ли результаты по более крупному и разнообразному образцу. Также важно проверить, могут ли быть обнаружены различные типы инфекции с одинаковыми показателями. В конечном итоге компьютерное программное обеспечение может быть разработано в результате этого исследования, которое может помочь врачам идентифицировать больных пациентов.
Ответ на викторину: человек слева (а) болен, а человек справа (б) является здоровым.

воскресенье, 29 апреля 2018 г.

Примеры флагов беларусский и американский

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Пример флагов.